Toes curled?

29 Jan 2007
I just came across something weird, when shooting, do you curl your toes?

Am I missing something here, I don't think I do?
Basically, since my ankle injury, my shooting has gone wayward, and in an effort to correct this, I was reading this:

Shooting Guide

And it says, and around the internet the consensus seems to be to clench your toes and hit with your instep.
Instep bit people do, but never thought about my toes, just sort of lock the ankle and hit it.
Honestly don't know if I do or not. I know I do when I'm having a kick about with my mates but that's only because I play bare footed. Always get a fantastic connection without shoes and seem to generate so much more power. Hurts like **** after though :(
Yeh that slap feeling when you connect stings and goes red after a cracker.

I think this Monday I will try toes curled before in the kick about and see how it goes.
I think I curl my toes when hitting it hard. I don't when placing with the side of the foot.
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