Tokico Brake Piston Tool

11 Jul 2009
Anyone use one of these? do they work in getting out the piston or is it better to use the more expensive kits?

I might take my calipers somewhere first and ask if they can get them out,i got two out but the rest are seized, zx6r

this is what im thinking

ive tried wedging the pistons and pumping the lever to try and pump out all 6 pistons but its too tricky and messy
I have some and they do work, ONLY if there is any movement in the piston already, if not then no chance, Then I use an air compressor, lots and lots of air :D
This is how I got the pistons out, you will need:

foot pump (double barreled preferably)
latex glove
1cm thick bit of wood (to stop the pistons flying out)
inflatable toy adapter for foot pump

Now this assumes that all the pistons are still in the caliper. You need all the pistons to be in the caliper in order to create the seal for the air from the pump to push them out.

The bit of wood slides into the caliper and the pistons will shoot up against it when you try this. It needs to be thin enough to allow the pistons to come out enough of the way so you can easily pull them out, but thick enough so that they don't come out completely. This is so if one piston is more seized than the other, the looser piston won't flyout breaking the seal.

What you do is attach the inflatable toy adapter for the pump, wrap it in the latex glove then shove that into where the brake fluid goes into the caliper (can't remember the actual name for it)

Now you will have to hold the toy adapter (with latex glove) in place and then pump the footpump. I found about 100PSI should get the pistons out. Keep trying to pump if they don't come out at first, and hopefully you should create enough pressure to force out the pistons.

Make sure you wear safety glasses whilst doing this but hopefully that should get the pistons out.
If the pistons are badly seized then compressed air will fail. I've had 150 PSI behind seized pistons and they didn't even flinch. The only way to get them out is with hydraulic pressure, but you need to immobilise the other pistons. Once you get a seized piston moving it's usually not too bad to get it out.
The other option is fire and compressed air, I had one particularly stuck piston, stuck a blowtorch on it for a bit, that did the trick.
just been quoted £10 per caliper to get them out,seeing as ive got two out already I might try n knock him down to £15 for 11 stuck pistons

id buy the laser tool set but its £75 and I wouldn't use it often tbh

as if they couldn't drill and tap and put a bolt at the back of each piston? would make it a doddle to do
Ive got that tool in the house and used it for a whole host of bike caliper rebuilds. Its great to have even to clean your calipers as you can rotate the piston.

Recommended buy tbh. Along with a big tub of red rubber grease.
You can easily make your money back charging a fiver for a caliper clean and rebuild service once youve figured out how to do it!
well I managed to get 6 of the 12 pistons out using a socket extension bar and wiggling them out,but the remaining ones I couldn't budge

and yeah ive got some red caliper grease im all redy to rebuild them once ive cleaned out the seal grooves which are full or crud

I might pick one of those tools up later one,ive dropped the calipers off at the bike place to get the last ones out

I have to get the seals the right way aswell as they are tapered,fattest part at the bottom

@Souleh does it get them out if they are pushed right in and stuck?
Just squeeze as hard as your can and wiggle lol. Might wreck your hand but normally no bother. Rear calipers are worse for seizing than fronts, not been defeated yet on a set of fronts.
Get rid of the 6 pots, there really more trouble than there worth and get some Nissin 4 pots off a bandit etc. (check there on 90mm Spacings) You can pick a re-furb pair off ebay for £100 or so. Only £30 more than a seal kit for the 6 pots. Will last longer, better feel at the lever and more important stop you better.

My 6 pots on the zx6 and Zx9 needed new seal kits this year so swapped then out for the Nissins. 100% better imo.
Get rid of the 6 pots, there really more trouble than there worth and get some Nissin 4 pots off a bandit etc. (check there on 90mm Spacings) You can pick a re-furb pair off ebay for £100 or so. Only £30 more than a seal kit for the 6 pots. Will last longer, better feel at the lever and more important stop you better.

My 6 pots on the zx6 and Zx9 needed new seal kits this year so swapped then out for the Nissins. 100% better imo.

I did the exact same thing for my zx12 replaced with re-ferb Nissins for about a hundred when they come looked like new probably the same seller.
true the nissins are better but tbh this is the first time ive refurbed the calipers from new,now with 65k on the clock

the rear is a piece of cake to do,just waiting to get the bits back so I can spray them in matte black and build them up


rebuilt and sprayed them matt black,just waiting on some dot4 fluid before I refit them
You sprayed the sealing washers :(. Please tell me you plugged the holes before spraying them?

no theres no sealing washers on,thats the caliper,ive fitted them and bled them now,just need a new battery and maybe get the wheels powdercoated then im gonna ride it and flog my zx10r
I will when I stick it up for sale,the ones I've got atm are a few years old

Edit: why did you want to see it?
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