Tom Clancy's "Jack Ryan" - Amazon Prime TV Show - ETA 2018

12 Jul 2007
This seems like a Ben Affleck/Chris Pine era reboot before Jack and Cathy got married and that phase isn't really discussed much in the Jack Ryan series of Novels. For me, my mental image of Jack, John Clark, Ding, Greer etc when I read is always the Harrison Ford film versions so I don't mind these "young" versions as long as I can link them to the "novel" versions.

Doesn't mean it'll be any good though. Although Kraninski did well in 13 Hours in Bengazi and he seems "everyman" enough to pull off both roles my biggest fear is that they make the "Jack Ryan" character into some kind of super spy & special forces mix when thats NOT "Jack Ryan" (the mistake with the Affleck/Pine movies).

edit - got film and novel mixed up.
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I’ve always wanted Rainbow Six and Without Remorse films... although given how stretched they are in terms of time and place, they’d probably be better suited to a TV series (in this big budget Netflix age).

I'd love to see an R6 film but both films would need the main characters reintroducing to the audience as most of won't have a clue who they are, despite being already well established in the novels, as they haven't really been shown a great deal in the Movies. I mean I forgot Clark was Afflecks film and Ding has only been in 1 too as a minor side character.
But, as a Clancy fan there's more than a few bits that make be cringe

Watched the first few and the "cringe" factor as a massive Clancy fan just got too much for me and I had to quit. I mean it may be OK TV but as a "Jack Ryan" series its pretty poor (the the canon of Jack) but thats just my bias showing. :D
In the more recent books I tend to picture Harrison Ford though as he suits the age better.

Same here, I picture the whole "Clear and Present Danger" film cast as the the book characters now, even in books where they are much younger (without Remorse or Red October etc) which makes no sense really :D.
This S2 version of Jack Ryan (the "analyst/spy"), with his single year of conventional military training from the USMC and zero SF stuff, is apparently running around like a full member of the CIA's ex-Tier 1 SF warrior filled Special Activities Division teams, killing "bad guys" like it's CS:GO.

Yeah...................I'm still out!

For Krazinski to say "I play him like Harrison Fords 'everyman' version" and then be happy to allow S2 to completely swap the character seemingly into the role of highly trained SF member "John Clark/Kelly" instead, is disappointing but I guess Amazon think that they know better than every reader for over 30 years who put "analyst" Jack Ryan books at No1 in the chart.
So he's still running around like he's Jason Bourne or, more accurately, John Clark - Yeap, still out.

I don't doubt it's good, fun, well made TV and that millions will lap this stuff up, but to me this incarnation of "Jack Ryan" will always be a pale imitation of a copy/paste "action hero" compared to the book version, who was far more believeable because of how realistically he was portrayed, rather than this "unstoppable one man army" TV version of Jack Ryan.

Title change :D

No. :)
It's the second time you've asked and the second time I've said No :), do you want to go for the hat-trick?

If, after 5 years and 4 Seasons of this, people still aren't aware that it's out by now then I have major concerns about their mental faculties :D
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