Tom Clancy’s xDefiant

28 Jan 2003

Just announced….

Welcome to the party! Tom Clancy’s XDefiant is a free-to-play, fast-paced arena shooter that combines intense gunplay with personalized loadouts and specialized factions, as teams of gunfighters – called Defiants – battle for domination. Register now for a chance to play early:

The first test starts on August 5 for PC players in the US and Canada.
I'm sorry but this looks like trash. Just another warzone so they can make billions.

The standard recipe will apply. Free to play, sell skins and make guns locked behind an unlock wall.

Bring out "mistake" weapon meta's several times a season to get people to buy packs and unlocks instantly.

Most importantly, no anti cheat and just do ban waves every now and again to keep people hanging on but with no real want to ban to many hackers as those hackers make money.
As a COD fan, I'd give it a whirl - what I like about it, is that it's just more competition for COD's "traditional" 6v6 audience. It's repeated so much, but everyone's so tired of being force fed a tired half baked COD every year that only gets fixed towards the end of its lifecycle and ultimately ravages the previous COD's playerbase.

With Battlefield, Halo, Valorant, Xdefiant, Warzone, Apex, Overwatch 2, Rainbow 6 extraction, cfrossfire X all coming out soon(ish), (and I know they're not all arena 6v6), I really hope that it changes COD's future.
I played a few games and it looks great, plays very well and the guns feel pretty good. The TTK is a bit quick but that’s probably because I am trash.

For free it’s bloody great.
I’m really enjoying it, I used to play cod back in m2”w2 days abd every bf and overwatch but this will replace all of those
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