Tomatoes not going red.....

16 Nov 2002
The Moon
Hi all, asking this on behalf of the Mother really.

She'd planted a fair few tomato plants earlier in the year and they've grown considerably since planting and there are lots of tomatoes growing on them however none of them have turned red yet, they are all still a bright green.

She's adamant she's planted red tomatoes and not green ones haha but i'm just wondering if there is a reason they haven't gone red yet or is it just a case of they need more time out in the garden?

We brought a couple in and tried putting them with a banana in the hope it would ripen and start to go red but it didn't haha!
Hmmm i'm not too sure. I'll ask her later on and see what she says. If she didn't could you cut them back and they would be OK still?
Just give them time. Only about 1/4 of mine have ripened yet and they're in a greenhouse. The tomato season still has a good month or more to go.
They just need sun.

Feed will help - a warning sign that they're not getting enough is when the leaves start to turn yellow.
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