Tomb Raider Help.. (Spoliers)

29 Nov 2002
Midlands. UK
Im stuck on the big Sea Serpent boss at the end of England..

Basically i shoot the big domes and they make a charm noise.. he comes over and i pull the lever to twank him on the head..

Yes, seems to be right.. But when it comes to the last bell.. far right.. It wont drop.. any idea why? It just stays up.. Pulled it about 10 times now and it still wont drop like the other three .. what am i doing wrong?

The serpent seems to be "Charmed" like he should be but when i try and pull the level nothing.. the big handle just spins round but no animation for the bell dropping.. HELP!
There is a bug on that level where one of the levers wont drop (think one of the back ones) and you have to reload the level :(
NokkonWud said:
Yeah, it's the most annoying boss of them all, especially when it's consistently locking onto everything bar the cages.

i thaught it was quite easy.. bar the fact it wont let me pull the last lever!!!
NokkonWud said:
Yeah, it's the most annoying boss of them all, especially when it's consistently locking onto everything bar the cages.

Yeah I had that on time trial, i would stand facing the level I wanted to pull (the last one) and it would hit the one i'd already done.
dannyjo22 said:
Yeah I had that on time trial, i would stand facing the level I wanted to pull (the last one) and it would hit the one i'd already done.

Mine latches on.. and pull the lever.. the lever spins but the cage just wont fall on his him! Its needs some WD40 or somthing.. :) Going to try restarting the whole level, hopefully that will fix it.
try getting to the end boss, did it on normal easily enough but on hard he seems to kill me randomly. Ill just lost half my life for no reason or just die. Not sure if its a bug but its a wee bit annoying.
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