Tomb Raider Legends First Impressions?

12 Mar 2004
I havent bought it yet, I was wondering what everyone thought of it, is the gameplay much better than 6? Has it gone back more to the original style like reviews said? Is there any bugs/glitches? Whats the performance like?
Seems decent so far. Only played about the first 10 mins anyway.

I'm using the keyboard and mouse for it and it's not so bad. One problem is that I can't use the arrow keys for running around has to be WASD.
i finished it earlier.

its a good bit of fun but nothing more and quite forgertable.

Personally i prefered prince of persia sands of time

And I was really surprised how short this game was, my end finish time was 6:43
It's a bit short but the gameplay itself is excellent.

Graphics are very pretty aswell (is that one word or two? I've never known) if you can turn on the next gen content :).
It's amazing, i'm really enjoying it at the moment on the PC using Saitek P2500 controller.
The visuals are amazing, and the load times are extremely quick.
The puzzles are pretty easy, and jumping from ledge to ledge and where to go and what to do is very obvious, but it's a lot of fun.
Shame that when next gen content is enabled it drops to like 15fps :rolleyes: Youd've though that they'd allow you to switch certain effects on, rather than force you to go from normal to max settings in one leap.
I'm thinking about possible getting the game. I'm a big fan of the first and second ones, but the third one onwards were quite disapointing imo.

What would you guys rate it out of 10?

Oh, I thought I'd ask. Has this game got the "lara's house" part? I found it pretty cool in Tomb Raider 2, when you get to wonder around her mansion, and play on her assault course etc :p

Tomb Raider 2 was possible one of the greatest games of all time to me. I just wish I could play it again, but don't have it anymore. Havn't even got my ps1 anymore :(
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shifty_uk said:
Oh, I thought I'd ask. Has this game got the "lara's house" part? I found it pretty cool in Tomb Raider 2, when you get to wonder around her mansion, and play on her assault course etc :p

It has. But you have to unlock sections of the house by completing missions.
This game is perfectly playable with a keyboard and mouse - I really don't see the problem?

Next you'll be telling me you need a joypad for GTA games? :/
I thought it was quite good but I got bad graphical flickering in the earlier levels and it spoilt the whole graphical experience for me. I also thought it was a bit short but it was highly enjoyable, gameplay wise, from start to finish. I've not played any of the previous games so can't comment on how well it compares to them.
Better than Angel of Darkness, but it was just far too easy:

>Puzzles were obvious because great big glowing things and bloody narration pretty much solving it for you.

>Combat was a joke, far too easy you could just endlessly combo people.

>The athletic bits were too easy I quite liked the old TRs where you mashed with your keyboard and tried 30 times to evade a boulder and jump away so you could go "RAAR!" in triumph when you finished it.

And it was waaay too short. It is a step in the right direction but not as good as the first 3 tomb raiders, I would play them again rather than buy this.
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