TomTom Navigator and calling POI's?

1 Aug 2005
So I have TomTom 5 Navigator and playing around with it today setting up the bluetooth GPS partnership as I had reinstalled TomTom and I realised you could call POI's. Main menu of TT, last one, 3/3 and its middle left.

Now how do I get this to work with my K750i I do not know. Does anyone use this feature and how did you get it working.
Says it can't find a phone which is fair enough.

Does the phone have to be Windows Mobile based or anything extra special?!

Just wondering really. Not that I need the feature but hey.

might be better asking in the mobile phone section, but does the pda/tomtom support multi blutooth connect, i remember reading somewhere that some devices don't like to connect to two devices simultaneously
It only works if your PDA is a phone (think XDA etc). You cant call via Bluetooth to a phone, though you can use that method to get traffic updates etc.
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