TomTom Rider and Nurburgring trip

7 May 2008
Planning a trip to the ring with a few laps possibly. Looks fairly straight foward to get there but could possibly be goign with a few people.

Has anyone used a tomtom rider in europe? If so are they worth the money? Also whats the install like on a sports bike? Got a ZX6R C6F so i guess insallation is limited to the clip ons or yoke nut.
I've used a rider several times in Europe and it's been spot on 99% of the time. It's at least as good on euro roads (France, Germany, Belgium and Spain at least!) as it is on uk roads. When I had a GSXR I used to mount it via a Ram mount in the yoke
I've read a lot of good things about these cheap chinese sat navs.
I haven't used one so can't comment.
They can be had for ~£90 direct from the supplier but can take a few weeks to arrive and sometimes you have to then load your own software on.
I will find a link for the supplier if you want.
Having just come back from my first European ride, I looked at the TomTom Rider and baulked at the price. In the end, we put an iPhone with Google Maps into a tank bag with a clear plastic cover on the top. Not ideal, but is certainly worked. There were three of us, so we just swapped phones over whenever the battery ran low.

On reflection, given sufficient screen protection whilst on the move, I would have just taken my normal car TomTom (can't remember what it is - one of the widescreen ones), providing that was able to be hooked up to the bike power somehow. I can't question the design of the TomTom Rider, but the last time I looked it was nearly £400, and that's a £300 premium over some of the car versions with me unlikely to use any of the bike features other than being able to manage the screen with a glove on.
It is a massive premium for sure, but they are completely waterproof and it's a lot less hassle and easier to read than a phone in the tank bag. My first one lasted 6 years (still works but won't charge on the bike). Upgraded to the new one about 18 months ago.
I've read a lot of good things about these cheap chinese sat navs.
I haven't used one so can't comment.
They can be had for ~£90 direct from the supplier but can take a few weeks to arrive and sometimes you have to then load your own software on.
I will find a link for the supplier if you want.

Doesn't look like you can use that one (linked) with gloves. Which would be a pain in the behind.

Edit: Looks like you can actually, its a resistive touch display.
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I've got the V5 tomtom rider, installed the mount (powered) on my Multistrada, and also have the car mount as I got the premium kit. It's great, BUT, it's a bit fiddly when trying to find service stations. Petrol good, service stations no.

You will be fine :)

I'm going to the ring in my 130i M Sport in 6 weeks and will be using my rider V5 to get me there, if that's before you, I will let you know how it goes.
Smart phone, gimble mount, home made light shield out of a coke can (paint it black) USB lead from the battery, £10 mould your own ear plugs from the bay, cheap pair of in ear buds yo use with the mould your own. Ride away on boring motorways with tunes.
Planning a trip to the ring with a few laps possibly. Looks fairly straight foward to get there but could possibly be goign with a few people.

Has anyone used a tomtom rider in europe? If so are they worth the money? Also whats the install like on a sports bike? Got a ZX6R C6F so i guess insallation is limited to the clip ons or yoke nut.

I have the Garmin equivalent and I absolutely love it, comes with the mounts and charger for the car too. The only thing it didn't come with was the RAM mount ball for the yoke nut, which I got off ebay or amazon for £10/15, and a bluetooth headset (I have a scala rider and it's great).

Here it is mounted to my C1H, which is the 2005 version and as far as I know is no different to the C6F.
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My first euro trip I used an ultimate addon phone mount powered from the bike, downloaded copilot and I was away, or just buy a map, it's not difficult to get to nurbergring. I was there this Monday. Unfortunately unable to get on track.
I bought an oxford mini first time tank bag last week and put the iphone under the clear top with "navfree" app on it...not much to report really apart from it works, although the iphone screen is a bit small and located on the tank is not really comfortable, I guess it's ok for a quick peek now and again but could do with a proper mount within the wind shield somewhere.
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