Tonights Moon Shot

18 Oct 2002
Canon 20D , 100-400IS , handheld , F10 , 1/200 , ISO 100

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5bjoshua said:
Thats really good for handheld! How did you get it so crisp?

Well the shutter speed is fairly high, and the lens has image stablisation, so it helps.

Was sharpened in Rawshooter to.
AdWright said:
Nice shot, especially since it was handheld. Hope you don't mind, but I thought it might look better with a slight levels tweak:

No its ok, yes ive been playing around with the levels, i can play around to much though.
Evil-Penguin said:
Aparently the moon is always the same size in the sky, it just seems like its bigger when it's lower in the sky and closer to the horizon as there is something to use to give it some sense of scale... or something :p

Nice picture though, I tried using a tripod and a telescope, I found it pretty tricky. Is the picture a crop, or just resized?

Its a crop ,but a 100% one. So its the true size.
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