
ahhhh right i think i may have to have mine removed soon but am not looking forward to it because i hate hospitals and the tought of an operation.
this is like the first time i have had it but the doctor gave me some pills called erythromycin but it seems that i am alergic to them i came out in a bad rash so stopped taking them so going back to the docs on monday to see what she says but i think i will have to have them out :(
hyper_piper45 said:
I'm suffering from tonsillitus at the moment ands its horrible. Cold sweats, fever, can't sleep, aches and a sore throat! Will hopefully get down the doctors on monday so he can ply me with drugs.

ahhh so ** going through what am going through i havent slept in like 3 days :(
ok been to doctors again today to have my pills swapped they cant give me anyother pills to treat it i have to have a blood test tomorrow due to i may have glandular feever :( dont really know what it is but its really making me feel sick
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