Too close for comfort!

27 Dec 2002
In ** bottom drawer...
Ok so Im at the top of Crouch Hill, Im walking to the bus stop on Crouch hill, coming out of Dickenson road, an old guy in a focus pulls out without looking properly, his bumper is like a foot from the centre white line of crouch hill, no indication, still rolling forward...into the path of a Triumph speed triple coming from Crouch end direction. The Bike was doing 25/30 mph by my estimation tops.
Guy hits the brakes and starts to swerve to try and avoid the car but the focus actually hit him as he(bike) swerved around him as the car was still moving! The guy didnt look properly or at all. proper idiot.
Fortunately it was a glancing impact, the radiatior and front left of the bike clipped the left of the front panel (bit under the bonnet) of the car, crank cover scrapped into the bumper and the guys left shin got a bit of a gash, not deep but stil major ouch.
Guy on the bike stops and pulls over, i checked he was ok, very shaken up. The guy in the car looked like he was going to drive off with a passenger beside him, a guy in his early 20's i reckon, so i politely suggested he stop his vehicle:D
Guy from the car then walks over to the biker and me and said... "name please".
No "are you ok?" nothing! The car driver was like "he was going fast". Erm, no he wasnt said I, if he was he would have gone into the side of the car. I suggested to the car driver he had almost totalled someone and it was his fault...the guy actually thinks he was in the right to pull out like that.
He could have got the guy beside him to get out and look if he was too incompentant to drive properly or gone round the block and come out of Ella Road or Teragarron avenue both of which are not as blind as Dickenson road.

Left me shaken up big time and i was just a spectator.

Lets be safe out there, carry a jousting pole when your on the bike, thatl stop fools like that driving that way.
OAP cretin kebabs, the new BBQ meat of choice for the discerning motor biker!
Nice one for sticking around Kipper :) especially as it sounds like if you weren't there the idiot would have driven off!
Are you going to be the riders witness then for insurance?
Well done kippermitten, it's thanks to people like you that this biker will likely get his claim sorted promptly, I was thankful to those that were witness to my crash in 2008; I range each and thanked them for providing witness statements, and I’m in no doubt that without their evidence the other party would have tried to claim I was speeding.

I really hate old people on the road; I’ve had countless incidents in the car and on the bike where they have done some totally common sense defying things, it’s really shocking, but to be on the receiving end of them must be horrible; especially with the attitude this one apparently had!
Jolly good show mittens, I should imagine the poor guy is feeling very grateful you were around to help him. Now I would like you to travel the country from school to school like the Green Cross Code guy with a little robot, and educate the upcoming little gits on how to behave.
Just spoke to the bikers insurance company -
Operative - "thats very a comprehensive account, what do you do?"
McMittenMan -" I AM BIKER LOL!"

I got stiched up when I go knocked off at London bridge, no one wanted to be a witness for me so know how it feels.

Still am amazed it didnt end up worse.

Im liking the Green Cross Biker idea :D
The " he was going fast " bit ahh that old chestnut

I had that when i had my accident , had a bloke pull out on me when i had new tyre's on and one of those roads that had gravel out in the road from where all the car's are parked in the kerb , nobody's fault that just happens.

Anyway the police came to the hospital and said all the witnesses had said i was riding very fast :eek: to witch i reply'ed that i was'nt new tyre's ect,
he then said dont worry we have dragged the bike and looked at the skid and scuff mark's on the road and we estimate you was doing 30 to 35 mph.

Now it was a 2t but why do people seem to think we are riding fast when we aint ? is it the just the sound the bike make's or another reason ?

Nice one for being a witness Kipper
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Nice one for being a witness kippermitten.
Way back when I was 19, some clown in a capri pulled out on me forcing me into a kerb. I bounced up the kerb and snapped my left tibia on a tidily placed bus stop pole.
Car driver drove off, but 3 witnesses got his plate and helped me out with an ambulance.
The coppers came to me in hospital later and said that they had got the car driver's details from his reg number given to them by the witnesses. He said I was tanking it down the road and didn't give him time to react, total ******. I asked the coppers why they were interviewing me, when he was the one who drove off from the scene of an accident. They looked at each other and one of them got straight back on the radio to get him nicked.

Without the witnesses, I would have been stitched up like a kipper!
They were more interested in trying to do me than the car driver.
Now it was a 2t but why do people seem to think we are riding fast when we aint ? is it the just the sound the bike make's or another reason ?

Probably a mixture of the sound of the bike, and the general look of bikes.
I got a shouting at by my parents not long ago(I'm 24! lol) because they saw me out on my bike when I was visiting home, they heard how loud my bike was and assumed I was speeding. I was doing 30 in first, with a full race can, so it did sound loud mind you hah.
The biker chap didnt want to. I told him he should, not up to me though.
Are you legally supposed to call the police if an injury has occured?

From the highway code :
If you are involved in a collision which causes damage or injury to any other person, vehicle, animal or property, you MUST

•give your own and the vehicle owner’s name and address, and the registration number of the vehicle, to anyone having reasonable grounds for requiring them
•if you do not give your name and address at the time of the collision, report it to the police as soon as reasonably practicable, and in any case within 24 hours
[Law RTA 1988 sect 170]

If another person is injured and you do not produce your insurance certificate at the time of the crash to a police officer or to anyone having reasonable grounds to request it, you MUST

•report it to the police as soon as possible and in any case within 24 hours
•produce your insurance certificate for the police within seven days
[Law RTA 1988 sect 170]

From that it seems it IS a legal requirement to inform the police.
Nice one for sticking around :)

I had a very scary moment in sort of the same style once, was heading to my mates on the other side of Reading to me, I was doing maybe 55 in a 40, like everyone else, it was along the IDR (A33 basically). I was plodding alone nice and casual and I see a people carrier at my 11 o'clock, look inside and what is the woman driving doing, reaching back slapping her kids!

I went to brake so I could move away from this accident waiting to happen bud sadly wasn't fast enough, the woman jerked on her steering wheel sending her car flying across cutting me up, I slammed on my brakes and had the worse tank slapper ever. Stuck me feet out, loose grip on handle bars and pulls on the throttle a little to lighten up the front wheel, after about 50ft it stopped, ruined my boot soles...

Give you one guess what the woman did at the traffic lights as soon as I went to confront her... "What were you doing!!! COULD HAVE KILLED MY KIDS!!!"

Got to my mates, couldn't even talk lol, just sat on the floor, had a cigarette and chilled for about 5 mins.

Stupid *****.

Now it was a 2t but why do people seem to think we are riding fast when we aint ? is it the just the sound the bike make's or another reason ?

It’s an interesting point – when I was hit off in 2008, one of the witness statements said they thought I was going fast and lost control on the roundabout – I passed the person in question on a stretch of 40 mph dual carriageway beforehand… at 40.

I guess non bike riders don’t understand that motorcycle engines are free-revving and as such, will sound racier than a car’s, which is a shame really, as [pointed out here already] when it comes to being involved in an accident, there’s always likely to be a finger pointed at you to say you were caining it when you weren’t :(
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