Too many languages

13 Nov 2006
Anyone else suffer from programming language memory function loss. I'm ok when I'm constantly working on a project and it's fresh in my mind, but as it's not my full time job I can go months without even touching programming and then I have to Google lots of function syntax whenever I come back to it.

My memories not the greatest and I only ever like programming for myself. It would drive me crazy doing it for a job for somebody else.

Dipping into different projects , JAVA, PHP, HTML etc, this doesn't help either. I know my code ain't the prettiest but I just make it do what I need. I've not got time or perhaps the talent :) to get it in the smallest code possible.

Am I alone in this?
Nope, I was just thinking about a language I haven't touched for ages...such as COBOL, and I can remember the syntax and structures used.

Most modern IDEs give you intelli-sense, so you don't have to remember parameter orders, etc - maybe it's because I grew up without intelli-sense that I have acquired the ability to remember such things, and other programmers don't need to.

If you know your code isn't the best, why not strive to improve it?
I get this and I program C++ every day professionally lol. Remembering syntax for less used tidbits is a real pain, luckily visual studio is clever enough to start moaning at me if it looks a bit weird!
every project i do seems to be in a different langauge, and i have a terrible memory too. I often find myself googling how to simply comment a line, or output to the console, lolol
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