Too much coolant in expansion tank!

18 Oct 2002
There's too much coolant in the expansion tank. What is the best way to extract some? I think it needs reducing to slightly below max- do you agree? :o
lol i tiped way to much in mine, did not take the chace to put that stuff in my mouth, so i went to the local fish tank shop and got a hand pump to take it out or you can just unclip the hose and let it run out and tip it all back in again!
Isn't there a small plug you can unscrew at the bottom of the expansion tank and let it out to a desired level.

Seems a bit OTT to sypher it out.
doubt it as the car in question was serviced at the main dealer in August- instead of reducing the ammount of coolant in there they merely pointed it out and I have noticed that it is still like that. How can they can it "serviceing" when they merely check the levels not make sure that they are actually correct.... Really poos me off.
There should be a drain / bleed point on your radiator. All the cars I've had its been on the left hand side.

Just turn that and your coolant should leak out.
Richard- I hate shopping! I also don't have time to waste driving to the shops, finding the right shop, selecting my overpriced product, driving back. This transaction took 1 minute to complete and all I have to do is wait for it to arrive. The car in question is not in daily use anyway so it is not urgent.
Enfield said:
Wrong way round mate. The level rises when the engine is on.
Your probably right, I was thinking of air bubbles but he hasnt had any pipe open so maybe not. If it does go down then worry, my old cars used to go down lots (rip)
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