Took a Tumble

28 Jun 2007
Tamworth, UK
Off roading on Sunday on my Suzuki DRZ 400. We had just left a trail onto the main icy road and I was fitting my goggles whilst moving (daft mistake!). The goggles had gone loose on the right hand side so I was trying to adjust them when, lo and behold, the bikes in front had stopped as my mate had stalled (carb playing up).

I tried to swerve but caught his foot peg with my left foot.

Damage? A compound fracture of the big toe which came through the skin. Bruised ribs but not broken and a sore neck.

Could have been much worse, thank god for bike boots :o



Foot not so sore today, chest hurts like a *****. Can't wait to get back out there :D

Did you hitting the peg directly result in boney big toe? I am amazed/annoyed that biker boots with steel caps etc allowed anything but your whole leg to snap :( / :)
I read that with interest & pity until I scrolled down & saw your big fat ugly toe. :(

Glad it wasn't any worse though.
Damn thats ugly! :p

Got a weekend off roading in wales this weekend so I'll try and avoid kicking a foot peg!

My Alpinestars boots are solid, I've took a few falls on them and never felt anything!
Guess I've been lucky so far...

Hope it heels quick
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