Tool storage

26 Feb 2014
Hi guys,

Need some storage for all my tools to tidy up my garage and I'm after some advice.

I'm not a professional so can't spend a fortune on the bigger brands and my budget is around £500. I like the idea of a tool chest rather that static storage. Normally i would go halfords for everything, I really like their tools and the policy on replacing damaged stuff. But I want something taller and bigger than what they currently offer.

Has anyone got anything from SGS? - ... 0UQAvD_BwE

Also id like something quite deep, if anyone can throw any links my way id appreciate it.
The toolchests from Halfords are always going on offer (along with their Advanced range of socket sets) every few months - normally 50% off kind of thing.

Can't comment on the SGS ones, don't own any.

As I said I rate Halfords stuff and have a trade card, but it just isn't high enough for me, even with all the bits and bobs on the new ones they just brought out.

Great stuff from SGS.
On the weekend I have just got rid of my Clarke workbench and all my 3 tier Halfords units for one of these, very happy :)


Ohhh looks tidy, mind taking more pics? Intreeste to see how deep the drawers are.
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