5 Nov 2010


Also, new album soon.

*Also available on other streaming platforms :)




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I'm not fussed about Tool being on streaming services but am very much looking forward to the new album.

Hopefully it'll be better than 10,000 Days which to my ears is quite weak. It's certainly not a patch on Lateralus but then not many albums are.
I'm really happy that they're finally on streaming services because now I can actually make playlists for my car and at home, and use them through my Echo's around the house. I've got all of their albums on CD but even with the ability to rip them, you couldn't get all of them onto a single platform that would work in the house, in the car, on the phone etc. Now I can and it's awesome. I've spent the last few days listening to their albums, and in particular Sober, Stinkfist, Ticks & Leeches, Vicarious and The Grudge over and over again. I'm also really looking forward to their new album and I've deliberately not listened to any of the stuff they've played live recently because I don't want to know anything about it until it's here!

Tool isn't for everyone, but I do think that those that have never listened to them before should give them a proper chance. It's very difficult to get their music right away, but it's so worth it when you finally do!
Care less about them being on digital and more about the new album coming :D

This was my thought, I love Tool but I couldn't give a toss about digital/online listening platforms. I'd rather buy the physical media and rip it to a lossless format for use at home. Looking forward to doing so with the new album!
In a way, I'm glad it took 13 years since the last album. 26 year old supercow wouldn't have appreciated this song, and moment, as much as I do right now.
It's very "Tool-ish" sounding which I'm glad about, no new changes in direction, but it feels like as song which builds 2-3 times but never quite pushes into a cresendo to me, still like it though.
Absolutely in love with the new song, can not wait for the album released, so nice that it's finally on streaming platforms too.
Well, I caved in yesterday and listened to Fear Inoculum. I lack the words to coherently and accurately convey what I think about the song. It's stunning. Beautiful. In ways only Tool can make it. It exceeds all expectations for me to be honest. The musicianship is simply masterful, and it seems that Maynard has brought along extra experience from Puscifer and APC which just rounds things out wonderfully. I was worried that whatever they release wasn't going to live up to expectations, but jeez, I have no worries now. I simply cannot wait for the new album if this is what they've done with it!
Well, I caved in yesterday and listened to Fear Inoculum. I lack the words to coherently and accurately convey what I think about the song. It's stunning. Beautiful. In ways only Tool can make it. It exceeds all expectations for me to be honest. The musicianship is simply masterful, and it seems that Maynard has brought along extra experience from Puscifer and APC which just rounds things out wonderfully. I was worried that whatever they release wasn't going to live up to expectations, but jeez, I have no worries now. I simply cannot wait for the new album if this is what they've done with it!

Excellent description that meets my opinions for the most part.

Tool as a band has this magic to it, there's not another band on the planet that sound quite like them.
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