Tooshie problems (Bike related)

16 Nov 2010
Swimming in a lake
Ok, so I do a short cycle to Uni every day (10 minutes one way maximum).

No high end bike or anything, just a £150 full mountain from Halfords.

However, I do find that I'm getting some pain in my bum basically. Lower area just off of the thigh.

Do we reckon this is down to the saddle itself or saddle height? I have a saddle with some padding, although read somewhere that less padding could be better.

As for height, it was properly fitted, although I think it might need to be dropped 1cm myself...

Chaffing or bruising?

Bruising you'll harden up to given some saddle time, unless you definitely find the saddle uncomfortable. Chaffing you might need a different saddle.
Just light bruising. It's not something I even notice until I get on the bike the next day tbh. Thought it was probably nothing, but also that I'd ask opinions.

I've got a brooks b33 and its epicly comfortable.

just make sure its not putting pressure on your 'gooch' as it can cause issues with your little soldier standing to attention!
It may be a case of altering the saddle position. Make sure that when you're riding, you're perched on the back of the saddle to support your sit bones. You can also try angling the seat down at the front to relieve some pressure from your perineum. If you're still getting pains after trying that for a few rides then it maybe time for a new saddle. If you have the time, pop down to a bike shop and get measured up. This means sitting on a pad where they can measure the distance between your sit bones and make a recommendation based on that. As already said in this thread, any seat can be uncomfortable for a while until you've hardened up or, in the case of something like a Brooks, the saddle has taken on a bit of your shape.
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