Top end MB v 2 Years old MBP

18 Oct 2002
I am thinking of getting the standard Top end MB and a LCD Display for it so I have a nice 13 inch portable and have the 24 inch screen to do my Photo work when at home.. But what i like to know will the performance be that much better compare to my 2 years old MBP which is the 2.16ghz version 15 inch screen and 3gb memory.....

Also what am i missing on the MB compare to the new MBP??
In terms of perceived performance you probably wont notice a difference between the two, maybe the MPB will be a little more responsive when running a lot of apps with its extra 1GB of RAM but nothing mind blowing.

The wildcard is when Snow Leopard comes out that will tap into the GPU of the new MacBook which could potentially give it a big boost in some instances.
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