Top end MBP 13"

18 Oct 2002
I currently own a 15" MBP 2006 and thinking of getting my self a new MBP 13" the top end one. Will it be faster and good enough for Photography?
Short answer - yes

Longer answer - if it's the really old 15' (ie. like the non 64bit core duo model I still have) then it'll be an awful lot faster, otherwise it'll just a fair bit quicker. Obviously depending on what software you're using your mileage may vary but it'll be quicker certainly.

I'm currently considering what to replace my 15" macbook pro with and I have my concerns about dropping down to a 13" screen personally, so I guess if you haven't already, make sure it's for you. Maybe you aren't doing photo work on it but even for browsing on the sofa I much prefer the 15" screen on my macbook pro to the 13" dell I get from work...
You might find the 13" MBP is a bit too small if it's your only machine.

I personally think it's a great machine in small doses.. but the screen really feels cramped if you don't hide the dock.

As for power.. it would be reasonable to expect it to perform slower than a machine with discrete graphics, but if you want definitive numbers I'd check out some benchmarks comparing it to the 15" MBP (with the gfx option).
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