top spin 2 on the 360 delayed?????

27 Sep 2004
was really looking forward to this tittle thought it was out tomorrow but just looked on a site that cant be mentioned and it now say the end of march
does anyone know if this is true?????
It also says this on game and a few other sites. I was not looking to buy it personally but a friend really wanted the game. Best thing you can do is call a couple of stores friday and ask them if they have it in. Here is hoping DOA4 is released on time.
It was confirmed as delayed over a week ago as was posted in another thread ;)

Had this one on pre-order but seeing as I haven't even touched RR6 or Kameo yet, I'm not too bothered.

DOA4 is already out (well might not be out in the shops yet but the online stores have had it for a few days for delivery on tomorrow)
I posted about this last week I think on here, seems even the official Xbox site has the release down as Q2. Release date has slipped on every site, shame as this is the only game apart from Fght Night Im actually waiting for.
Just had a quick look, Gears of War looks promising although I dont seem to like FPS on consoles, never got into Halo but will give it a shot I think. Oblivion is an RPG? Not my cup of tea at all, but again Ill have a look when it gets released.

Might spend a bit more time looking into them later on :)
I read on IGN yesterday that it's now looking likely it won't ship in the US till April, so I'm expecting a May release in the UK. Shame, it looks good, though it at least gives me some more time to save for it.
Top spin was the best game on the the Xbox...Cannot wait for the new one..............wish it was still out in Feb :(
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