Topping DX3 Pro+ & hd660s

12 Nov 2009
Hey all,

Was wondering if anybody had this combo or any experience with the topping dx3 pro+ In terms of powering headphones similar to the hd660s Which I currently have plugged into my Xonar Essence STX an set to high gain 60-300ohms.

Any issues at all?

Thanks for the help!
I've had the DX3 Pro+ paired with the HD600's (300ohms) for the past month and have no issue with the gain set to high.

As a reference, I've also been running the HD600s from a Creative AE-5 which supports up to 600ohms in high gain mode and found that I can barely notice the difference other than volume, which the Topping is capable of getting to uncomfortable levels that you probably will never listen at without damaging your hearing.
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