Total War Eras Advice

4 Apr 2006
Hi all,

basically i really want to give this compilation a try, can you give me some advice,

should i start with the first game (shogun) and work my way through or should i start with Rome or medieval?

thanks for your help

Probly most fun to play which ever era you are most interested about. Rome Total War is clearly the best graphically and feature wise. But the others are good fun too. Just hope they have fixed Shogun to work with XP.
I only got Rome recently and found it to be miles better than the other two, particularly in terms of in civ style, turn based, city building element of the game, which personally I prefer to the battles.
I personally find the map, factions and tactical battles better in almost every way in Medieval when compared to vanilla Rome.

Some of the mods have given Rome a new lease of life for me though, particularly Darthmod which slows down the ludicrous kill speed, improves the skins and allows the AI to use a number of new formations which make it much more of a challenge.
got medieval last night and start playing the battle tutorials, find the up, down, left, right key and mouse combination for the camera a little difficult have trouble moving it around and end up with enemys coming from behind me because i cant seem to get facing the right way, is the camera any better when you get further into the tutorial and game or is it soemthing i've just got to live with and get used to?
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