Total War - where to start?

27 Dec 2009
So far I haven't really been into RTS games in general and the Total War series in particular, however having been tempted into purchasing the $15 Humble Bundle I now own rather a lot of them :D

Any recommendations as to which would be the best one to start with please - ideally where the learning curve and user interface or dodgy AI aren't going to get in the way of the fun? Rome 2 appears to be the most recent in the pack and so presumably looks the best - or would it make more sense to start with one of the earlier games...?
To be clear I'm not asking which TW game to buy or is the best value as I now have them all (up to Rome 2) sat in my Steam account. I have only actually downloaded Rome 2 so far and that took a while with all the DLC, so I thought I would ask here for some advice to get a good start before I fill my hard drive with games that might end up unplayed.
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