Totally Mad

29 May 2005
Just found this :)


MEET Harry MacAdam - the man being dubbed "the Internut".

The intrepid Sun reporter will be spending the next seven days living in our carpark in Wapping, with only a broadband connection and laptop for company.

He has no mobile, no clothes, no food and no shelter and will have to survive the week ordering all of this - and more - simply by surfing through cyberspace.

more here,,5-2006060664,00.html

Good luck not sure i would do it though. :)
Won't he die? He has no clothes until the following day surely even with super next day fast helicopter delivery.
I assume he'll have a stack of batteries or a nice long power cable too?

I don't see anything impressive or newsworthy in this, I most of my food online, most of my clothes online (etc etc etc), what difference does it make that I live in a house not in a car park make?
£2,000 to survive 7 days, just ordering stuff off the net? That's pretty damn easy...Tesco's for food, and order a shed + blankets or similar, pay top money to get it ordered asap, you might have to spend one night in the cold, but that's about it.
philio16 said:
Hows he going to be able to purchase something without a fixed address?
Most online stores would allow him to order the goods sending them to The SUN headquarters, adding in a note like "Hand it to the bloke waving in the car park."

I'm more interested in how he's getting power to that laptop ;)
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