touch friendly games?

Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
There's a fair few of us with tablets now, any one know a list of touch enabled games. Full windows games, not app store stuff.

I know civilisation V is optimised for touch.
Was hoping FTL would be fine but it Isn't.
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What's wrong with the FTL port? I heard they did a proper job of it, and thought it would have been a perfect candidate for the tablet treatment.

Organ Trail works well.
What port? Unless your on about apple app. I'm looking fir full windows games. Preferably through steam, rather than tablet specific games. Which are universally crap.

There's no way to pause it as that's spacebar on keyboard and just generally not optimized for touch.
What port?

There's no way to pause it as that's spacebar on keyboard and just generally not optimized fir touch.

There's a proper I-pad version.


Ah - I see you've edited you opening post, you're after normal windows games which work on tablet. No idea on that, I'm afraid.
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