touch up a pic favour.

13 Jan 2006

i took a picture on our honeymoon of where i proposed and want to get it put on a canvas for my wife for Christmas. (she has hinted at this)

i haven't got a clue about this side of things (only just learning the camera side).

It don't have to be a big job just make it look a bit nicer :p

here is the picture.

would it look better in black and white?

if anyone would have a bash at it, it would very much be appreciated.

Thanks. :)
thanks so much guys, i think i like the colour over black and white though, hard to pic which i like best now :/

any recommendations on who to go to for a canvas?

our local asda has a photo shop area, they do canvas's but i saw one being done and it was just the general asda staff stapling them to the frames.

with the res of the picture is there a reccomended size i should go up to?
I've got a few pictures I've taken and would like to get them put on canvases.

I don't want to post a load of pics asking for some editing in here so is there any good basic guides for subtle stuff I can do to give pics a bit more 'wow'?

They are 90% scenery if it matters and I have access to Lightroom and ps.

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