touchpad mod?

28 Mar 2006
ok need a little help would it be possible to mod a laptop touchpad into a standerd pc with maybe a seriel port or usb port with the manufacturers drivers for the touch pad?
has this allready been done before or is this just a waist of time
thanks in advance
yeh i whant this moded into the front of a small case for easy use on a music centre built from an old pc.
and the usb ones only pop up every now and again on ebay so laptop one would be easyer to get my hands on
From what I can gather, touchpads generally attach via a PS2 interface. I may be wrong on this though.

Either way, attaching to a normal PC would be a trivial solder job. Drivers are readily available (the laptops need them!). Might be a bit ugly having wires exiting the rear of the case only to plug into a rear PS2 port, but I suppose you could solder direct to the relevant pins on the motherboard, if you were feeling adventurous.
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