Touchpad scroll & navigation gesture problem

16 Mar 2005
In the browser when scrolling up and down, I seem to more frequently trigger a backwards or forwards navigation gesture by mistake. This is only something that seems to have surfaced since I had upgraded to Mavericks. I've used my rMBP happily for the last 2 or so years without this issue.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is it me? Is there anyway to control the response sensitivity to gestures (long shot, I know)?

It's driving me bloody insane when browsing, as I use both gestures all the time. I'll go to scroll a page and accidentally go backwards or forwards.

Any help would be appreciated. :)
Actually just to expand on this, as it seems like a certain sequence of steps is triggering the behaviour:

  1. Click a link on a page.
  2. Once the link has loaded, scroll down with the two-finger up (ooer) gesture.
  3. Return to the previous page with the two-finger to the right gesture.
  4. Immediately try to scroll up or down, and it triggers a navigational gesture.

I seem to get this behaviour occurring quite consistently. For reference, it mostly occurs on RightMove, and occasionally on ebay. I have no idea why it would be more severe on one site in particular; maybe related to cursor tracking (I don't even know if that's a thing or not, I'm sure I've seen charts showing where user's click on pages etc.) or something like that?
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