Touchpad stuck on controller already !??!

13 Jul 2005
I bought a vive from OC around 3 weeks ago and I've been loving it but I came to play space pirates today and to my surprise realised one of the touch pads appears to have packed in !. It no longer clicks or presses in the top right corner..I've wriggled it around and got it clicking again but when ever I goto select a weapon by rotating it round again in space pirates it does it again by going back to being stuck and not clicking again.

I'm really frustrated to be honest as it was only yesterday my friend was saying how cheap it felt and I stook up for it !!

Has anyone else had this problem at all. Is there a fix and if not how do I go about returning I contact over clocker or htc direct ? I'm a little concerned as I've read some horror stories online about htc vive support team and how they can be unresponsive and take forever to repair or replacement anything.

Any help or advice wold really be appreciated.

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I had my vive hmd replaced in 5 days. Just contact support on chat. TNT picked mine up, then shipped a new one asap.

This was for a load of green pixels...

It was one of the best RMA experience I've had.
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