Touchscreen HotKey Win8.1 Admin Problem

29 Jul 2015
i am looking for some advice regarding a hot key in Windows 8.1 to enable and disable the touchscreen.

to give a bit of background on this. the systems screen is used for handwriting but has no built in palmrejection so my palm or finger leaves marks while moving around the screen with the passive stylus ( very annoying ). I use active styluses which do have a slight palmrejection and are slightly better but still not full proof. I disable the touchscreen while writing with the active stylus, which is a good workaround as my finger or palm input is not registered.

I have been using DevManView and a simple script to run DevManView from (x86) OR system32 and then disable HID Compliant Touch Screen. I have a toggle Win+T to disable or from within the taskbar and it works flawlessly. However DevManView requires elevation which means i cannot distribute this to my standard users and i cannot compromise security by giving them this access or part of any super group.

i then tried to create a regread via registry>touchgate

RegRead, TouchGate, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Software\Microsoft\Wisp\Touch, TouchGate
If TouchGate = 1
RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Software\Microsoft\Wisp\Touch, TouchGate, 0
If TouchGate = 0
RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Software\Microsoft\Wisp\Touch, TouchGate, 1
SendMessage, 0x1a,,,, ahk_id 0xffff

but this does not seem to work, and if it does requries a reboot on each change.

i have then tried to create a .exe.manifest to bypass this as well as a scheduled task with full admin rights on the shortcut to my admin account.

simply, can anyone offer advice on how to bypass admin right for one application without me creating supergroups. Any ideas on how to disable to the touchscreen like the one i mentioned at the top (that works) but does not require eleavated access to devman, or another approach like the RegEdit. I am open to any suggestions.
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