Toyah Wilcox.

I remember seeing her playing a goth that slept in a coffin in a very early episode of Shoestring, staring Trevor Eve. She caused localised swelling then and she still does.
Enter the Sandman?

Enter THE Sandman?

At least know the name of the song you're covering.

About 4 lines in she completely loses track of the tune too. I didn't watch any further than that to see if she regained it.
Saw her at Hammersmith in 1982, the same gig that Warrior Rock was recorded at and absolutely loved it. She's still got it!
Saw her at Hammersmith in 1982
And I saw her at Salford Uni around the same time. I was never completely convinced by the voice and music, but by 'eck she had some energy. Clearly still has it, and I quite like some of their quirky lockdown videos... they're in keeping with these chaotic times. I can't understand why this one's got so many more thits than most though.

Once in show business, always in show business. Robert needs an medal for keeping eye contact through that.
Is Gilf a thing now ?
It certainly is if you're only slightly younger than her. No use, er, admiring anyone younger unless I win the lottery.
Watched a few of the other "covers" she's done. Fair play to her, it's all a bit of fun which is what we need at the moment.

& yes, I still would :D
I only just noticed how many views that video in th OP has. 2.7million!
They acknowledge this in the latest one...


Chapel hat pegs

I am old enough to remember the buzz that went round school when someone had got hold of a page out of some risqué mag with a photo of Toyah with one nork out. That's all it took in them days.
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