Toyota Mr2, Part 2 :) on your mark get set....flame!

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9 Nov 2006
Hello all.

Remember me. :p

I have an update. The car is crashed.. :rolleyes:

But not by me....

Me and my dad went out for a spin. We were in a main road doing a steady 40 miles an hour. Suddenly a car (landrover piece of ***) on the other side of the road had a burst tyre. (doing 60-80mph at least). The ******* swung across the road into us. we went west :eek: We quite literally lifted of the ground and landed in a ditch.

Car dosent look so good anymore. Took into a garage yesterday. Totally written of. The guy was amazed we walked out of the car let alone lived.

2 of the wheels on the left have snapped of.

Only problem is, the other guy dosent have insurance...... Thankfully my dad had comprehensive.

Thank the lord I changed the tyres..

Natural Selection got cheated. :D
but there is an issue.

Im on holiday and the insurance is for the UK.... Been here 3 days and my insurance covers me for 2......

After that it is 3rd party.

However I am certain i brought us international cover... we will see :rolleyes:
Tesla said:
Firstly, glad to hear you're OK.

Secondly, your Dad was driving your MR2 with fully comp insurance?

I don't think you can really cuss the landrover owner for a blowout unless his tyres were right down on the limit/wire.

Thanks. im mostly ok. However my neck gave an unpleasant crunch and is stiff atm.

My dad took a knock but seems alright.

He has a really sore hand though. Might need to see a doctor.
monkeyspank said:
I think if your dads comp cover is not specifically for that car then he's only covered 3rd party unfortunately.

Another 2 off the road :( sorry mate :(

No. My dads insurance IS fully comp for the MR2. Correct. However when you have left britain it stops being fully comprehensive
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