TPF Gone?

Nope - but its frustrating, the galleries are still there I believe, but the forum is gone:(

Dont know its permanent or server related or what.

There was a forum closed page up yesterday morning, but by yesterday evening it had changed to 123... registration page.
When I checked yesterday morning there was a message saying the forum/site was 'closed.closed' then it changed to just 'closed' now it's just a holding page :(
There's been a bit of a disagreement behind the scenes and one of the admins took his ball back, demoted the others and closed the forums. Since then, the others have managed to regain control, and are in the process of moving to new hosts and forums, under a new name (the admin who threw his teddy has control of the domain names). They're going to be mass mailing all registered users, so unless you put something stupid as your registered email, then you're going to get an email update very very soon, when they go live again.
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A random name said:
There's been a bit of a disagreement behind the scenes and one of the admins took his ball back, demoted the others and closed the forums. Since then, the others have managed to regain control, and are in the process of moving to new hosts and forums, under a new name (the admin who threw his teddy has control of the domain names). They're going to be mass mailing all registered users, so unless you put something stupid as your registered email, then you're going to get an email update very very soon, when they go live again.

This seems to happen a fair bit with forums. Such a shame that the members are the real victims.
cyKey said:
This seems to happen a fair bit with forums. Such a shame that the members are the real victims.
It's the power hungry admin that can't see that though ;)

The forums will be back up very soon :)
A random name said:
It's the power hungry admin that can't see that though ;)

The forums will be back up very soon :)

Lets not use this forum to make jokes at another :) Besides, if its who I think it is then he used to be a valued member of this forum and is welcome anytime.
Thanks for the info a random name. Clears that up. Still sorry to see it happen though. :(

Hopefully the new one will be bigger and better!!!!
it wasnt me!

watch your inboxes chaps, later tonight or tomorrow morning i think...and thanks for the support :D
well, that's cleared that up I guess.

Still, these things happen. Even the best of friends fall out sometimes. I was gonna post something earlier but did'nt know if it counted as a competitor or not!
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