tracking off, worth fixing ?

18 Oct 2002
At home

have noticed recently that when i don't touch the steering wheel the car veers to the left, not a lot, but still noticable.

Call a tyre place and said they can check it for free but would cost £20 to fix, worth doing or should i just leave it ?

Gilly said:
Is my post invisible?

who said that? I've always been under the impression that on a totally flat road it should happily continue in a straight line, both under brakeing and not. I'm pretty sure that none of my cars have every veared off at all....
cymatty said:
Do you mean when the car torque steers? :)
I once heard that cars slightly steer to the left. Would stop the car going on to the wrong side of the road. If they do or not is another thing, I think the angle of the road plays more of a part then anything.
I've always thought a slight pull to the left is normal on UK cars, something to do with not going head on with another vehicle if the driver falls asleep? Or something along those lines. Probably another old-wives car tale!

A zilllion other posts made at the same!
No, he means when you let go of the wheel while keeping a consistent speed, the car will verge off to the left. It's to stop you going going over into the path of incoming traffic if you fall asleep at the wheel or something.

Oh, how did the assignment go?

edit.... Damn, beaten to it by half the forum :p
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agw_01 said:
No, he means when you let go of the wheel while keeping a consistent speed, the car will verge off to the left. It's to stop you going going over into the path of incoming traffic if you fall asleep at the wheel or something.

Oh, how did the assignment go?

Ah ok, i can see that working. Mine pulls ever so slighty to the left it would make sense.

Assignment done and handed in. :cool:
If you look at most country roads they have an ever so slight hump in the crown of the road, they will usally sink at the edges, hence the slight left pull.
Gilly said:
Even taking camber into account I was under the impressions all cars pull left

They do. Its the way they are designed, to prevent, as has been said the car going into oncoming traffic if you fall asleeep.
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