Trackmania Nations

4 Mar 2006
Fantastic game, everyone should give this game a try.

(Nations is the free one)

Online is where it's at, i seem to find the wooty4us server the best, and get on quite well with them.

Also for those who already play it, please judge my lousy attempts at maps ;)

Feedback is appreciated :)
Was a big thread about this when it came out :) I still play now and again. I made it into the top 1000 in the world a few times and top 20 UK. Not played it for a while though.
ive downloaded 2 clients and both have been corrupt \o/

edit: tried 3 now all corrupt, i give up
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Love the game.

Only game I own that the girlfriend is addicted to.

I downloaded the client from gamershell ages ago, try getting it from there Andr3w.

We're mostly found playing on UK Minitrax servers.

Occasionally Wooty's, although some of the tracks on there seem to be designed with difficulty in mind, rather than fun.
Freeman said:
Loved this game, havn't played in ages now though.

Used to be the number 1 south african driver :p

You could pick some random country when you register and easily make it to number one in said country :)
Darey said:
You could pick some random country when you register and easily make it to number one in said country :)

You could but i didn't, south african country on nations is pretty competitive. Or was when i last played.
VaderDSL said:
it does install starforce though, so be warned
Do people actually have problems with it? Keep hearing warnings about it but dont actually know anyone who has had a problem.
Duke said:
Do people actually have problems with it? Keep hearing warnings about it but dont actually know anyone who has had a problem.

Not wanting to spark any flames, I've had an odd problem with it when burnung dvd's as has my friend. A lot of people haven't had problems, a lot of people have.

Just thought I would post the info ... unbiased and purely as a heads up :)
VaderDSL said:
Just thought I would post the info ... unbiased and purely as a heads up :)
The only problem ive ever had with starforce was actually with Trackmania sunrise, it simply would fail to load up the game if zone alarm firewall was running, but there was a patch that fixed that.

I dont understand why starforce is needed on a free download though?
Kelpie said:
Occasionally Wooty's, although some of the tracks on there seem to be designed with difficulty in mind, rather than fun.

I find wootys the best fun, maybe you're just not good enough :p

With regards to starforce, Trackmania Nations runs fine on my PC even after removing Starforce, so there's your answer ;)
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