Tracks and entire album not available?

7 Jan 2009

So i come across this one song at work which i love,Never heard of it before (like many tracks they play there) as i believe they buy tracks or should i say the licence to play from lesser known artists within the store and dont play the usual songs you hear on the radio because licensing is too much.

I FINALLY found out the track name and its on an album but pretty much everywhere ive found this album listed its just not available,Its on Spotify but cannot be played,Its on a few other sites also but cannot be purchased or anything.

WHY does this happen? Is it as simple as rights have just expired and have not been renewed with anyone?

The song name in question by the way is "Fickle & Fortunate (Ft . Jordan Garratt) and the album is "Beekwilder - Bungalow Bill" ) from 2018.
Could be license has lapsed, could be someone else has licensed it either indefinitely or for an exclusivity period, etc. it is a bit of a mess really and annoying.

EDIT: From some quick Googling I'm guessing there was some kind of drama with Hero DeLano and Spin Move Records or something as most of his collaboration work from that era is unavailable or just gone - Beekwilder also known as Sam Wilder and Sam Beekwilder and has re-released/remixed some stuff under different names.

I don't use Apple Music so no idea if it is available there
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Thats what i suspected is that its got something to do with Licensing,I really appreciate the info at least i can do a a bit more digging under those other names and see what else there is by him,The Apple music link does work and played,i dont have a subscription but it played for 30 seconds and does appear like the full album is on there,So must now be entirely exclusive to Apple Music.
Its weird because the music at work,They're all none ive ever heard of before,I dont know where they get them from haha.

Cheers much appreciated :)

Thats what i suspected is that its got something to do with Licensing,I really appreciate the info at least i can do a a bit more digging under those other names and see what else there is by him,The Apple music link does work and played,i dont have a subscription but it played for 30 seconds and does appear like the full album is on there,So must now be entirely exclusive to Apple Music.
Its weird because the music at work,They're all none ive ever heard of before,I dont know where they get them from haha.

Cheers much appreciated :)
Legit download here :) -
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