Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

For the year, or YTD. Because YTD these are all negative a
YTD only really matters if you live in the states as their tax year starts in Jan..
Which kinda makes November a good month to buy shares as people are dumping them to either lock in profit or lock in losses for capital gains offsets.
That might not sound particularly exciting for those of you that still play with single stocks but it suits me just fine. I’m more than happy to just continue accumulating for the next few years if this ends up being a prolonged downturn.
everyone has a strategy, and thats your, it works for you :)
DCA is a legit strategy.
I'm tempted to sell my VWRP in my ISA. Only at a £50 loss currently but the market is now closed. Might sell first thing tomorrow and wait and see what happens. I've about £3.4k invested in it which is a useful amount to have if something house wise breaks!

Why did you originally invest??
Did you do it for the long term? If so - leave it alone...
Your crystalising the loss and the hardest next question to ask yourself is - when do you reinvest it? Where is the bottom? When is the right time to put it back in?

IF it's money that should be in cash incase your worried about something in the house breaking - then you should not have invested in the first place.

VWRL is down like 2.6% in 3 months, still up 7% over 6 months and 11.8 in 12 months... Hardly time to panic.

Year to date it still up 2.2%

The panic in here is crazy...
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