training advice

6 Mar 2008
Stoke area
Hi all, (sorry for the essay)

So, 4 months ago I was taken on as part of a media team for a national company, they wanted 2000 blog posts written and uploaded in 90 days, the team of 3 managed about 400 and some were bad 3rd party ones that I had to rewrite. When I started I was told it was a bad idea and after a while, it sunk in as they moved our department on to other things as well as the blogs, such as social media, setting up recruitment channels, graphical work, AdWords (£7k a month) and increasing the organic SEO. All but blogging and social media fell on my shoulders.

It was decided the department was to close for financial reasons while I was away on holiday. The manager who only oversaw the project went back to his consulting with the company, the blog writer was moved to a call centre roll, which left me.

They made myself and 2 other redundant, a coder who helped work on the systems and the IT guy. Merged them into one job and told me to interview, I got the job.

Now, I have a broad knowledge of various IT and tech subjects but I really need to get some decent training sorted. I have a Lynda subscription via the company and I know there are loads of things on there to look at, too much.

The main roles are general IT issues, setting up PC's, moving them around, printers/scanners, setting up software, emails, internal Moodle based knowledgebase, setting up Sage, setting up phones and working with our custom software.

The Adwords/SEO side I've spent 4 months reading, learning and testing so I feel ok there but always looking for new things.

Then there is the coding side. Initially, I'll be using visual studio to download the code for the site, editing/tweaking and then reuploading to the live site. WHM, version control, cloud-based computing as well as several different languages. I can get some training from the Tech Director on this so not an urgent problem.

So, what would you recommend? I feel the IT side is more important initially, see how I can streamline things, build something to auto setup laptops and PC's with the required bookmarks, logins and software etc.
yeah I'm not fussed about actually qualifications and exams, but the training and experience.

It's a company with 2 main locations, 200+ remote staff all over england and Wales and their IT infrastructure is ****, to be blunt.

Old laptops, XP onwards, different tech all merged together so the more things I can look over, read, watch etc the better.

I will definitely check out MVA, sounds exactly what I am after. Automated OS image deployment etc is far ahead of anything they have here.
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