Training for using a digital camera?

19 Jul 2005
S. Yorkshire
I've recently bought a Fuji S9500 (which I now know has mixed reviews).

I am ashamedly aware that my level of knowledge is was below the requirements to obtain decent results from this camera. As a result of this, my pictures so far have been very disappointing.

I've been looking for training courses, or decent books on the subject so I can rectify this, but was wondering if anyone can recommend a course or book that can help me in the right direction? In terms of courses, I work full time, so need something in the evenings or weekend. I am based in Dartford/S.E. London.

Much appreciated.

i thnk going throuhg the FAQ and posting pics here for critique is as good or better (and certainly more felxible) then any course, mainl becasue some people here are quite frankly disgustingly talented...!

i for one have just learnt about the rule of thirds!!!!

I think this is linked to in the FAQ, helped me a lot :) The first lesson covers the rule of thirds

You probabaly don't actualy need to go on a course, all the information pretty much can be found online anyway, and if there's anything you aren't sure of, you can always just ask here, as most people are happy to help.
tbh, i think that skill comes from experience, i had brought a Canon EOS 350D at christmas and have only just been able to get some decent pictures with it. Also, read the manual that came with the camera COVER TO COVER, this may seem a bit boring but it will help. My main message is just to experiment, skill comes from experience, and have patience!! Good luck and have fun!! Regards, david :)
Thanks everyone, I'm slowly making my way through the FAQ's.

Joe T, I'm going on holiday next month, I think that will go with me. Any idea who the author is?
emailiscrap said:
Thanks everyone, I'm slowly making my way through the FAQ's.

Joe T, I'm going on holiday next month, I think that will go with me. Any idea who the author is?
Errr - I kinda put it in the post....
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