transcoding on transfer (iPod Touch)

10 Feb 2004
Crewe, UK

On my shuffle, when I transfer my lossless tracks, I have the option to transcode to a more travel friendly 128KBPS on transfer - now for Christmas I was lucky to receive an iPod Touch, but this option seems to have disappeared.

Is there anyway I can enable this feature for the iPod touch? Would be great if I could!

Thank you in advance!

That would be very useful. It's bizarre that it's not made available since the move to mainly flash memory means everyone's strapped for space again.

And they should pull their finger out and add native FLAC playback to iTunes while they're at it!
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Hmmm appears that it is only an iPod Shuffle option - it's a shame really as I reckon my entire collection would fit onto my iPod Touch in 128KBPS.

This is not available on the touch, only the shuffle.

Pity as it would be very handy.

I am going to have a look around at other apps to transcode my music to give me a bit of space for some videos.
This is not available on the touch, only the shuffle.

Pity as it would be very handy.

I am going to have a look around at other apps to transcode my music to give me a bit of space for some videos.

Just as a guessed - oh well, it's a pity - looks like I might have to transcode my collection then!

Thanks all the posters in the thread for any help :)

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