Transfer EVERYTHING to new pc and sync iPhone on new pc/mac?

23 Jun 2005
Hi, my mum has a new laptop and wants to update her phone tonight. However, her itunes is not set up on this new laptop.

Is it possible to transfer all her songs, contacts, apps etc onto this new laptop?

Thanks :)
Yes first off iTunes does not manage contacts as such so be careful here, you will need to research about transfering contacts but a easy way would be to use a trial mobile me account...

Here is an apple article about how to move an itunes folder for...

Windows -
Mac -

Mix these together if moving from one to the other.

p.s. this article is about how to move it on the same computer but it works for both as long as you move the iTunes (blah blah blah) .xml and the whole music folder to the correct place on the other system, I havent tested but have had reports that it works moving from os to os.
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