Transfer Mobile Number Queries

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you ring up o2, say you want to move, they then try an offer you a better deal to make you stay, at this point you say no, they then give u the pac code, then u ring up whoever it is your moving to and give them the pac code. Usually takes between 5 and 7 days to move over. They tell you the day it should be done by
will be doing the same probably in a few weeks time.

in this case, would the 02 contract still work or will there be a time of like a week where both phones are dead ?
your old sim should work right up until your new one starts, ie. your old sim suddenly doesn't work you put your new sim in and it starts working.

I'm currently waiting for a number port from orange to vodafone. Requested the port instore with vodafone last tuesday, hasn't happened yet though
Harib0 said:
I'm currently waiting for a number port from orange to vodafone. Requested the port instore with vodafone last tuesday, hasn't happened yet though

They should have told you instore or however you request when the transfer will take place, every time I've done it I've been given a day and quite often a time - at which point you will suddenly find that your old sim goes dead and the new one springs into life as you say.

You won't normally be charged(haven't been charged with O2 anyway), you can go with O2 PAYG if you like easily by giving them your PAC code, all you would have to do is to buy a PAYG simcard first.
i called up o2 yesterday to port from them to orange, annoyed that its gonna take a week but it means i can finish off the credit left on my o2 payg sim
You will sort of be charged in a backwards kind of way, that being you request your PAC, they issues it (they're not bound by ofcom to give it you over the phone though, they can insist on posting it) you issue it to your new provider and they give you a date for transfer.

From the date you submit it to your new provider your 30 days notice has begun, say for example it takes 7 days that means you will be billed for the 23 days remainder of the the notice period despite the fact you have no service to use.

This is because all mobile contracts stipulate a 30 day notice and ofcom (or oftel as they were) agreed that porting wasn't to become a way of dodging your contract terms.

This is the same if you port to payg.. the only way round it is to MIGRATE to payg and then PORT off the network because there is no notice period on payg. (MIGRATE=change service within the same network, PORT=change network)

I'd also have to take issue with the fact one dies and the other springs into life.. every time I've done it there's been a few hours inbetween and it only goes through with the phone switched off (because once it's on and the sim thinks its unconnected it doesn't try and get on the network again until it's switched off/on)

You people are so lucky.. I was working in a mobile shop when porting started and it was all done by fax.. it was a living nightmare :D
Mine just switched over earlier. Was quite impressed as the new phone 'sprang into life' just fine and without any loss of service as far as I could tell.
I might have just been lucky though :)
Was a pain waiting 7 days but it was worth it for me as I can remember this number :o And saves a lot of hassle telling everyone.
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