Transfering contatcs to Iphone

14 Jul 2007
This is probably a very silly question but here goes. I have just go my new Iphone having previously had an Nokia N95 on Vodafone. Is there a quick way to transfer my numbers from the Nokia to the Iphone? Many thanks
Do you have Windows or Mac OSX?

You could use the Nokia PC Suite to sync your contacts to Outlook in Windows. Not sure of a mac alternative.
I used the above method but on my Sony Ericson. Backed up the contacts to outlook then went into Itunes and synced them to the Iphone.
Or you could transfer the contacts to the SIM, and do it the easy way :confused:
Or you could transfer the contacts to the SIM, and do it the easy way :confused:

Depends how the contacts are set up. Most mobiles now allow >1 number per contact when stored on the phone memory. Hence, if the OP has contacts on his phone with multiple bits of information (numbers, email addresses, addresses, websites, IM etc), it would not be possible to transfer by just copying to/from the SIM cards, which impose a limit of one phone number, and even a restriction on the length of the name
i have a n95 as well just setup like suggested copy all contact on to sim then copy over in iphone,, if you have more on phone than space on sim just use nokia suite on n95 put 100 on at time its a couple of mins to do..take over all info postcode etc email if you have it set like that..
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