Transfering files from a PC to a Mac

14 Jun 2009
How easy is it to transfer files from a PC to a Mac. Can it be as simple as plugging in an external HD and viewing files on the Mac.

Is extra software needed to run Windows side by side on a Mac PC?

What memory would be needed for the newer Mac Mini's? To get it to 4gig? (Exact memory type)

Windows as standard can't read OS X drives, or even see them.

OS X however can read but not write to NTFS drives. Both can read and write to FAT32.

Bootcamp is apples software to run windows, to run it inside OS X you need something like VMware Fusion, however this even with 4Gb slows things down (2.4GHz MBP) AND I have dedicated GPU memory, which from memory the Mac Mini does not?

As for the memory, use Crucial/Corsair memory thing on their website which tells you everything about the memory for your computer.
If you feel the need to write to NTFS drives on your mac then install
NTFS-3G this will allow you to even use Disk Utility to format partitions as NTFS if you want.

I have it installed on all three of my machines running OSX, and it works great.

This is purely optional and you don't need to do it, but it does allow you to write to an NTFS share.
No because its limited to 32 gb in size IIRC.

Either copy it all across and then format it to HFS+ (OS X format) or leave it alone and do as above with NTFS-3G.

Or wait till Snow Leopard which will do it allll by default!
There's also some shareware, costs $30 I think - MacDrive. It lets you read Mac partitions under Windows.
What about running windows and OSX side by side. Is that easy to do. Does it work flawlessly?

It works ok, but I don't recommend it for day to day on a Mac Mini.

I just about get away with it on a 2.4Ghz MBP with 4Gb but it still sometimes pulls the system down to the ground (2Gb to each system).

You will need VMWare Fusion (£50) to run Windows inside OS X.

If you don't mind rebooting then bootcamp is free and works perfectly.
If you're buying a Mac from an Apple store Apple will do it all for you.

That's the easiest option.
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