Transferring a domain to a new owner - Remind me of the details?

4 Feb 2004
Fife, Scotland

I have a domain which I am in the process of transferring on to a new owner. I requested an EPP key from my host and received it. I then emailed the EPP to the new owner and I received an email from his host (GoDaddy) which gives me a transaction ID and security code. The email states the following:-

You received this message because you're listed as the Registered Name Holder or Administrative contact for this domain name. If you're not the Account Holder, or you're transferring the domain to a new owner, please forward this email to the appropriate Account Holder to complete the transfer process.

It's been a while since I did this so can I just check - I now forward this email from GoDaddy on to the new owner and he logs into his account with them and enters the transaction ID and security code to complete the transfer, that right?
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