Transferring music from iTunes on a diff. computer to iPhone

3 Dec 2006
I'm on my laptop at the moment and just connected up my iPhone. I've "activated" it but I can't seem to drag and drop music onto my iPhone (which I could do on my desktop). Obviously the music is different on both machines so I'm thinking synchronising is not a good idea. Anyone have any thoughts on what to do? Thanks.
I did that but after I tried changing it i got a message saying the iPhone can only be synced with one iTunes and if I want to change it I'd have to erase everything on the phone... I don't really want to do that. Is there no other way to do this? How unbelievably ridiculous are Apple for preventing this...
Can't say I've tried to sync my iPhone with another computer, but yeah Apple are pretty odd when it comes to things like this usually related to music piracy etc.

Found a useful article for you though click
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