Transformers movie

14 Jan 2007
I must say I can't wait for the release of this, but what are people's opinions?

I'm a bit hesitant from the transition from cartoons, and hope the storyline is good, just hoping it's not another "TMNT" :rolleyes:
Trailer looks good.. and transformers is old enough to be classified as retro cool meaning going to the cinema to see it shouldnt damage my social reputation too much.
can't wait for it, it looks like it's going to be quite a bit more darker than Generation 1 Transformers (but then again, all of us who loved G1 are grown up now :P )
This is going to be amzing!! I think it could be one of the biggest films of the year!! (maybe behind spidey!)
I have just seen the updated trailer .

And boy oh boy does this film Gonna rock i still have the old film some where

and will have to get my Optimus Prime out of the loft :rolleyes:
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