Transformers Tonight!!

9 Jun 2005
A Beer Garden in the Toon
I'm going to see Transformers tonight and I am absolutely wetting my pants in excitement.

This is the first film in a long time to really get me exited, and I didn't even watch the cartoons as a kid.

I think that this film will really benefit from being directed by the 'Bay'.

Will report back tonight with my thoughts.
Well I just got back from seeing it.

That was the first time in 22 years that I haven't blinked (Blunk?) for 2 hours straight. The film is amazing!

Plenty of transforming, plenty of action, some great humour.

All in all a fantastic film. It just reeks of cool!

I was a little worried about all the names, there is a scene where all the names are introduced and I was afraid I was going to lose track of them all but it kinda becomes not important.

I didn't watch the cartoons as a kid so cant comment on whether Bumble Bee is the wrong kind of car or whether Primes ( :D ) flames are stupid or whatever. All I can say is that they all looked COOL!

I look forward the seeing it again tomorrow night and then the sequel :D
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