Transporting watercooling rig

28 Dec 2002
Hi, I'm moving to my new flat tomorrow and I need to move my watercooled rig. Is there anything I need to do before/after transporting it? I'll probably put it in the footwell behind the passenger seat in my car, so it will be kept upright. Should i empty the water out first, or is this unnecessary?

Thanks for any advice.
When I had my PC watercooled I never bothered draining it when I took it to LANs or whatever. After all, it's been leak tested and all hose connections are secure right? If it's kept upright, you should have no problems.

Depends how safe you want to be really :) If you're paranoid and you've got the time then drain it out. I wouldn't worry about it if you can't be bothered though.
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